Hallowell Ventilator

Hallowell Veterinary Ventilator Service

Precision and Care for Life-Saving Equipment

The Hallowell Veterinary Ventilator is a lifeline in many veterinary practices, providing crucial respiratory support to animals in need. At Vetamac, we recognize the critical role this equipment plays and are committed to ensuring that your Hallowell Veterinary Ventilator operates at its best. Our Hallowell Veterinary Ventilator Service is designed to provide precision, reliability, and peace of mind.

Comprehensive Service for Your Hallowell Ventilator

Vetamac's Hallowell Veterinary Ventilator Service is a comprehensive process that covers all aspects of your ventilator's functionality. We leave no detail unattended to ensure that your equipment performs with precision and safety.

Visual Inspection

Our service begins with a thorough visual inspection of your Hallowell Veterinary Ventilator. We meticulously examine all components, verifying that none are broken, missing, dented, or otherwise compromised. This step ensures that your ventilator is in optimal physical condition.

Maximum Working Pressure Limit Alarm

We confirm that the maximum working pressure limit alarm functions correctly, preventing pressure-related issues.

Low Breathing System Pressure Alarm

This alarm is essential for detecting low pressure in the breathing system, a critical parameter for patient safety.

Low Gas Supply Alarm

We ensure that the low gas supply alarm is functioning correctly, providing early warning of gas shortages.

Flow Control Valve

The precise control of airflow is crucial in ventilation. We verify that the flow control valve operates as expected.

Rate Control

We check the rate control to ensure accurate adjustment of the ventilation rate.

Pop-off Valve Maintenance

To maintain the reliability of your ventilator, we clean the pop-off valve seat and flap. This helps prevent obstructions that could affect its performance. Additionally, we verify the pop-off valve opening pressure to ensure proper functionality.

Bellows Housing Cleaning and Lubrication

The bellows housing is a critical component of your ventilator. We clean and lubricate it to ensure smooth operation. This step helps extend the life of your equipment and maintains its reliability.

Expertise in Electronic Circuitry

It's important to note that any repair of the electronic circuitry in your Hallowell Veterinary Ventilator requires shipping the ventilator to the manufacturer. While Vetamac specializes in many aspects of ventilator service, electronic circuitry repair falls within the manufacturer's domain.

Contact us to service your Hallowell ventilator

Vetamac, Inc.
130 N. Roth Court Ste 100
Rossville, IN 46065

Toll-Free 800-334-1583
Office 765-379-3040
Fax 765-217-4236

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm EST
Closed Saturday and Sunday

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Contact us

130 Roth Court, Suite 100
Rossville IN 46065

Toll-Free   800-334-1583
Office       765-379-3040
Fax          765-217-4236

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