Hallowell 2002Pro Anesthesia Ventilator

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Product Details

The Hallowell EMC Model 2002PRO is electronically controlled, time-cycled, pressure limited ventilator. This model comes standard with 300-1600ml bellows & housing and also includes the 0-300mL Pediatric Attachment. Included in the attachment are the housing, bellows, and adapter that sits on the base to accept the bellows.

A Low Supply Gas Pressure Alarm will sound when the supply gas pressure falls below 35 psi, 2.4bar and stops around 42 psi. The normal supply gas operating pressure is 50psi or 3.5bar. It is not until 35psi or 2.4bar that the ventilators delivered volume will begin to drop off proportionally with the waning supply pressure.

One volume control knob which turns a total of nine and a half times; the first two and a half turns utilizing the slight, minute changes for pediatric animal patients, and the remainder of the rotations for use with the adult and extra large bellows and housings.

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