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Unlocking the Secrets of Anesthetic Vaporizers


When it comes to the anesthetic machine, one component stands out as the unsung hero — the anesthetic vaporizer. It holds the power to determine the precise “dose” of anesthetic administered to patients, making its proper function absolutely crucial. Interestingly, the vaporizer is often unjustly blamed when anesthesia-related issues arise, mostly by those unfamiliar with the machine’s intricate workings. This blame game frequently leads to hasty vaporizer exchanges, with representatives from various companies swooping in. Let’s explore this scenario and the questions it raises.

Picture this: A representative from company A to Z pays a visit to a veterinary practice, where a staff member mentions ongoing struggles with anesthesia effectiveness. The rep suggests a simple solution—exchanging the vaporizer with a new one from A to Z, promising it will likely resolve the problem. Authorized by the practice, the exchange takes place. Sometimes, the rep swaps the vaporizer on the spot, while other times, A to Z send the replacement to the clinic. Either way, the original vaporizer is usually not returned.

This familiar scene raises a series of important questions

  • Did the representative verify the calibration of the removed vaporizer before its replacement?
  • Were the other components of the anesthetic machine thoroughly checked?
  • How does the cost of vaporizer exchange compare to having a reputable service company examine and test the entire machine, including the vaporizer?
  • Was calibration documentation provided for the vaporizer supplied by A to Z?

If the rep did not verify the calibration of the removed vaporizer, the exchange may be unnecessary. According to a retrospective study by Vetamac, only 3.8% of vaporizers verified in 2014 were found to be out of tolerance and required cleaning and recalibration. Vetamac’s tolerance range in the field is ±20% of the dial setting, while disassembled vaporizers cleaned and recalibrated in their lab boast a narrower tolerance of ±15%.

In reality, anesthesia problems often stem from the concentration of delivered anesthetic being diluted by leaks in the breathing system or malfunctioning components, particularly one-way valves. Without a systematic evaluation and verification of all machine components, simply swapping the vaporizer may fail to address the underlying issue.

Opting for the services of a reputable company to verify and test both the anesthetic machine and the vaporizer typically costs around $225-275—a price lower than most vaporizer exchange programs. These service providers offer printed records of the service provided, along with a certificate of compliance. Upon request, they can also provide a certificate of liability insurance. Vetamac’s service representatives, experienced in anesthesia and trained on various veterinary anesthesia machine brands, deliver unparalleled expertise.

The exchange program’s primary benefit lies with A to Z. Since it involves a vaporizer exchange rather than a “loaner” unit, only one trip is required to each practice. In cases where shipping is involved, vaporizers need not be sent back and forth multiple times, eliminating unnecessary hassle and inventory of “loaner” vaporizers. Vaporizers identified as out of tolerance in 2014 were cleaned and recalibrated, while clients were offered the use of a “loaner” vaporizer during the process. Once the client’s vaporizer was returned, the loaner was sent back to Vetamac.

However, the exchange program also carries a significant disadvantage: while you know what you’re giving away, you’re unsure what you’ll receive in return. You might trade in a two-year-old vaporizer only to receive a replacement that’s a decade old. Consequently, the two-year-old vaporizer is verified and subsequently passed on to the next client in line.

Avoid Quick Vaporizer Exchanges

To truly understand the working conditions of your anesthetic machine, nothing beats the expertise and regular service of a reputable company. By entrusting professionals to conduct thorough inspections and provide assistance when problems arise, you can gain peace of mind and ensure optimal performance.

In conclusion, don’t fall into the trap of quick vaporizer exchanges without considering the bigger picture. Take the time to understand the intricacies of your anesthetic machine, seek the services of reliable experts, and embrace a proactive approach to anesthesia management.

Know what you give, know what you get—empower yourself with knowledge and make informed decisions for the well-being of your patients and practice.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to support you on your journey.

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Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm EST
Closed Saturday and Sunday